The story of Warriors Legacy Care began with Eric Marshall's unwavering passion for serving fellow veterans. Inspired by his experiences as a US Army combat soldier and clinical therapist, Eric recognized the unique challenges faced by veterans and their families. Leveraging his extensive expertise in mental health and veteran care, he founded Warriors Legacy Care to address these specific needs.
Eric's deep understanding of the struggles veterans endure has driven his mission to provide comprehensive home care services, including respite, nursing, mental health support, and physical therapy. With years of experience in both the military and clinical therapy, Eric has been dedicated to creating a supportive community that enhances the quality of life for veterans. This dedication culminated in the launch of Warriors Legacy Care and its innovative mobile app, 'Service,' designed to connect veterans with essential resources and support. Eric's commitment to his fellow servicemen and women continues to inspire and guide the work of Warriors Legacy Care every day.
We're dedicated to providing compassionate care tailored to veterans and their families. Fill out the form below to get started on receiving the care you deserve. We're ready to stand with you every step of the way.